Monday, January 30, 2012

What zodiac signs use there left or right side of the brain more?

Just curious? What signs are likely to use their right, and which ones are to use their left brain?What zodiac signs use there left or right side of the brain more?
I believe the Mercury in Air Signs are likely to use their left brain since the Air signs are the most intellectual of all. They see reason, and think rather than feel emotions. They are logical, reasonable and follow their minds.

Mercury in the Water Signs on the other hand follow their intuition, their feelings and use feelings to respond around them. So they use their right brains more than left

I don't know about the Fire or the Earth SignsWhat zodiac signs use there left or right side of the brain more?
I'm a Capricorn sun, Virgo moon, and Virgo rising. Super super right brain. For some strange reason though, I'm very creative. I'm a musician, and I blend jazz, rock, and folk in my music. I like to focus on the numerical systematic side of music, but I can't just write a boring monotonous song. I like to change keys and rythms a lot. I like unpredictable music. I also am very good at creative writing and journalism. I can't let go of systematic logic, but I also know how to infuse creative ideas into anything I do.

But at the same time, my brain is like a super calculator that never shuts off, unless I get very drunk, but I don't do that much. The only water in my chart is Pluto in Scorpio, but my entire generation has this too.

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