Monday, January 30, 2012

What are some tips for guessing others zodiac signs?

Usually I can get the type of sign narrowed down into 2. Like I guessed this one person to be either Air or Earth and they were air. Usually I can tell if someone is a Fire because I'm a fire sign. But how can you tell the difference between earth, air, and water. Also any tips for guessing exact signs?

Thanks!!What are some tips for guessing others zodiac signs?
Physical attributes, personality, etc. Ex: it is usually easy to spot a Taurus (Especially the females) because of the long necks and pointy ears that Taureans rule. The Winter signs Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces you'll notice to are because they are the most quiet out of the zodiac signs. It does take a while but so far I have guessed more than 98 peoples signs from one try.

Some more help may be from the "Season Personalities". Those born in the Spring (Aries, Taurus, Gemini) are more hard headed and adventurous than most, Summer (Cancer, Leo, Virgo) are more personal and secretive, Fall (Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius) are more critical and complex and Winter (Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces) are more quiet and universal.

This may also help (In body areas):

Aries- Head and face

Taurus- Ears, neck and throat

Gemini- Hands, arms and shoulders

Cancer- Breasts, stomach and skin

Leo- Heart, back and spine

Virgo- Abdomen and spleen

Libra- Descending colon and lumbar spine

Scorpio- Nose, genitals and blood

Sagittarius- Hips, thighs and muscular system

Capricorn- Teeth, knees and skeletal system

Aquarius- Lower legs, ankles and circulatory system

Pisces- Feet, toes and lymphatic system
The rising sign, and not the sun sign dictate a person's appearance.

The rising sign is also the energy type that a person presents to the outside world, this is what everyone else sees.

I have a Capricorn Sun and a Virgo rising- both earth, but everyone who knows a bit about astrology take me for a Virgo Sun- with good reason.

If you are wanting to 'guess' a person's Sun sign, it can be a bit more difficult if you do not know the person well. For the Sun sign works the internal part of the person, what drives them, their Ego, which is not always put out there for all to see.

It is like a car with heavy tinted windows- the car is the rising and the ego is the driver.

But, the Moon also plays a big part in what we see in a person, for the Moon represents the emotions and needs of a person and much of that is shown to the world through actions and such.What are some tips for guessing others zodiac signs?
Maybe it happened to you since air and earth signs are both ruled by the same planets.

You should google 'physical apperance of ___'

**The rising sign is said to rule your appearance,and not the sun sign.
look on the computer on google the only thing i know is that a virgo is atraccted to a taurus and i am a taurus What are some tips for guessing others zodiac signs?
Totally agree with johnny.

Physical features.

ie.Geminis are mostly tall and slim.

Sags are short and thick.

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