Thursday, February 16, 2012

Do you believe the zodiac signs can determine a relationship?

for the astrology's believers you think that they are right when they say some signs are just not compatible???

have u been with a sign that was supposed to not be compatible with yours but it worked out anyways?Do you believe the zodiac signs can determine a relationship?
Straight up, no I don't.

I believe you and the other person determine how the relationship will be based on your feelings for each other.
I do believe that signs are compatible with one another. I'm a water sign, and I've noticed that all of the people I choose to have in my life are also water signs, and it just works out that way. Not that I have a preferential treatment, it just seems that I get along with them better. I've also only dated Scorpios, which is also interesting to me. So, I'd say that yes, it has something to do with it. Read up on it if you're that interested. There's a lot of good stuff on the internet, and also, there's a book out called Love Signs, that's an interesting one.Do you believe the zodiac signs can determine a relationship?
Hubby is Gemini and I am Virgo. You do the math on that one LOL.

We are opposites attract. He's outgoing, boastful, hardheaded, and many many more. I'm soft, sweet, loving (not that he isn't), and just kind. The good one.

We fight and argue a lot. I give in 95% of the time to avoid arguments with him. Our signs say we aren't compatible, but we make it work anyway. There are times we are ready to divorce, but we love each other and stay together and work out our differences.

Two Geminis would either beat each other to death or be so amazed with each other that they'd be inseparable. I think the arguments between the two Geminis would be 10x worse than the ones we have.

My first bf was a Scorpio and I am a Pisces. this is supposedly a match made in Heaven. It ended up being a perfect disaster. Ironically, ever since then I haven't fallen for any sign that I'm supposedly good with. I was with an Aquarius for a short time followed by a Leo. I can't say they were perfect relationships but they were much better than my first, the only one that really works according to the rules of astrology.Do you believe the zodiac signs can determine a relationship?
Actually, due to the precession of the earth's axis, the sign that most people believe they are is most likely incorrect.

Astrology has been scientifically proven false.
Uhm no.
  • harcourt math
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