Thursday, February 16, 2012

Random Q: What does each zodiac sign do to express they miss someone/you?

All 12 zodiac signs, or just the ones you know.

Personal experience is even better :D

How would you express it?Random Q: What does each zodiac sign do to express they miss someone/you?
i just tell them and most likely show them

my friends are always encouraging me to use my words lol
my gemini friends usually text and call and tell me they miss me and tell me something funny and laugh out loud...

my aquarius friend would usually show up at my front door, dragging me out of the house, buy me a cone of ice cream.

she's very impulsive. she doesn't usually give me any notice before she shows up at my front door. she just expects me to say yes and hop on the car when she asks me to spend the day with her

god i love her =)

my capricorn friend would buy me presents.

my pisces friend would text me, asking to meet up and cancel in the last minute or forget to show up..

my libra friend would call me and talk about her latest crush for about an hour or two...

well me, i would personally call that person, meet him/her, give lots of hugs, tell lots of stories and jokes, talk for at least 2 hours..

yes i do love to talk =)Random Q: What does each zodiac sign do to express they miss someone/you?
These are the ones I have experience with:

Aries: they wait for you to say something first

Pisces: drunken phone calls and love letters

Gemini: thoughtful text messages and a lot of hugs when you reunite

Leo: baked goods or a present

Virgo: well thought out phone call where they let it all out, sometimes crying

Libra: thoughtful gift and take you out to dinner

Sagittarius: your favorite candy or something simple to make amends
I tell her straight up...Invite her for dinner and tell her how it was hell without her. :))

AriesRandom Q: What does each zodiac sign do to express they miss someone/you?
i dont know what the other 11 signs do. i just call my person up or go see them. google it dammit.

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